Sunday, November 20, 2005

Update After A Month...

Sorry, I haven't updated my blog in a while. I have been really busy with many things in a month. I told Megan and Jason I will update my blog this weekend.

On Oct 23rd, Lauren, Bob (Lauren's dad) and I went to Bunganut Lake in Maine to close up the campsite. Cori (Lauren's sister) and her cute boys came up to help us. It was very quiet, cold, and very windy. It took us about two hours to altogether taking down the tarp that was over the fireplace, kitchen roof, and packing up foods, and making sure everything will be alright for the cold winter. See you in the spring BUNGANUT LAKE!

Lauren sitting with her nephews Tucker & Tristan.

Tucker staying warm in the cold trailer.

The last weekend of October Lauren and I went to a wedding in Massachusetts. The wedding was very simple and sweet. Dinner was awesome and was so full! Everyone danced all night while Lauren's mom and aunts fought to get to dance with me. It was so funny because Lauren's family is full of ENERGY! Of course, I had to dance several times with my lala. Lauren even danced with a bad foot she injuried from work and ended up very sore for few days, but it was worth it.

Cori (Lauren's sister) & her husband Rick, Carl (Lauren's brother) & his wife Laura, Bob *Obo* & Sherry (Lauren's parents), Lauren & I.

Laura, Cori, Sherry, & Lauren.

Val (Lauren's aunt) trying to boot Sherry out so she can dance with me bc I am a stud haha!

The next day after the wedding, it was cold and we had snow. Lauren and I decided to stay one more night instead of driving back home.

Our antique dining table and chairs are under the green tarp staying dry through the snowfall.

Last weekend, my parents and aunt/uncle came over to our place. We did some painting and work around the house. We went to Holyoke Mall (near Springfield) in Massachusetts and went to the Christmas Tree Shop. We couldn't resist spending money there, but that store wasn't expensive. Dad and my uncle painted the dining room and kitchen. It looks good and plan to take a picture before & after when I finish uploading the pictures from my digital camera. Lauren's parents came over for dinner with my family and it was so nice. I'm so happy they all get along so well. Thank you to my family and Lauren's family for your help. **Pictures will be posted later**

This weekend, we went to Massachusetts to visit our friend Sandra and her cute baby. After the visit, we went over to Walden School (our old job) to visit the kids and staff. The visit went well and was good to see them again. We headed over to Lauren's parents house for the night. This afternoon, we brought our last furniture to Vermont, but the bed we got which was suppose to be a queen size bed, turned out to be two single beds. We need to get new box springs because the one we got was REALLY worn out.

Thats the end of my one month report and I actually finished it! (whew!)


At 11/22/05, 8:13 PM , Blogger proudpetite said...

Looks like you had a great month with family of yours and Lauren's.

Gotta visit you two and your house someday now that it's painted and fulfilled with some furnitures.

Say a big hello to Lauren for me :)

At 11/23/05, 9:25 PM , Blogger -M said...

Hey Chris and Lauren,

Glad that things are going quite well with you guys! Thanks for the updates.

Have a great Thanksgiving and take care. Talk to you soon.


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