Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Canada Thanksgiving Weekend!

It has been 10 months I last visited my family in Canada! Lauren and I departed Thurs night right after work on Thursday night. I had to pull over to get some sleep at the rest area for a while then finally arrived to Sarnia around noon. My dad was surprised because he did not expect us to arrive that early. We went to meet mom at work and met her in the office. She was really surprised and was very happy! Heather came home around 2pm and chatted for a bit and I had to get some sleep. Mom went out to get me stuff for the house and cooked a good dinner! It was so good and was so full! Dad, Lauren, and I went to a hockey game and met my grandparents there.

Saturday, Jenn came home from London and chatted for a while. My neighbours came over for a short visit then the grandparents, uncle/aunt, and cousins came by for Thanksgiving dinner. Another delicious dinner and was so full! Lauren, Jenn, and I went out to Don Cherry for couple of drinks. Heather met us there and I wasn't used in seeing her at a bar, she is legal age to drink now! Jeez!

Sunday, poor grandma had to go to the hospital for x-rays. She was feeling a lot of pain around her hip after the fell 2 weeks ago. The x-ray result turned out to be a crack and there is nothing the doctor can do for now. We dropped her off and returned home. We had another good leftover dinner and dad and I went to see the last period of a hockey game. Overall, Sunday was the busiest day for me!

Monday morning, my grandparents came by for breakfast then Lauren and I packed the jeep. We brought a lot of things my mom gave us for our new place and craps too. :) We headed for London to see Jenn then headed for Vermont. The trip went good and missed home already.

We can't wait to come back for Christmas!


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