Thursday, August 25, 2005


Vermont!? Should I be living in the Green Mountain State? Well, I got a new job in Brattleboro, VT at Austine School For The Deaf. I will be working at a treatment program on campus. The previous job I had was in Framingham, MA at Walden School is different than my new job. Lauren also got the job too! :) We are in "small town" shock because we have lived in a big city/town, but VT is so different! We are living in a very small town, 5 miles away from New Hampshire. Vermont is a nice place to live, mountain views, low clouds in the morning with nice sunrise, and the weather is perfect.
The weather here is starting to get cool. We were told about "LONG WINTER", whick starts possible in Oct and ends in April. Lauren and I are thrilled to go skiing on our days off! We are about 3.5 hours away from Montreal, 8.5 hrs away from Sarnia where my family lives, 2 hrs from Boston, and 4 hours away from Alfred, ME where we have a campsite at Bunganut Lake through the summer.
We have absolutely no coverage on our pager! We are back on the computer and researching in getting a new blackberry pager that will work. I am definitely NOT getting a cell phone and using text message.
Lauren and I started training yesterday and just completed day two. Tomorrow is set-up day in the dorms and going through procedures. After training, we have to head back to Framingham to our apartment and do the final packing. Sunday is the big move day! Will be a long weekend, *sighs* oh well, thats part of life.
We start our first day with kids is on Tuesday. We are glad Austine School gave us an a room to use for a while. Means our new apt search will begin soon!
Will update about our big move after the weekend. Am off to complete the movie set of Friday the 13th I borrowed from my friend.


At 8/25/05, 11:50 PM , Blogger proudpetite said...

Hey Chris!

Welcome to the blog world :) I'm so pleased you have joined because this is one fantastic way to keep each other up to date.

Congratulations and best wishes on your new chapter in Vermont with Lauren. I believe you two would enjoy the new environment. It seems convenient as well because you're closer to everywhere now.

Btw, when I got your email about your blogsite, I was trying to figure why ezed (47 was no question at all *grins*, and you're still seeing it? *geez*)...anyway, as for ezed, I thought it's probably 'e' as 'he', or 'it' and 'zed' as 'said'... so it's like 'it said 47' or 'he said 47'... blah, then I read your post. Ah, I get it :)

Enjoy the long wintery season. It is going to be so beautiful :)



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