Friday, October 14, 2005

Rain Rain, GO AWAY!

What's wrong with the weather around New England, New York, and New Jersey!

Last weekend, New Hampshire declared State of Emergency for southern part of N.H.! When I got to work on Tuesday, I was reading the Brattleboro Reformer newspaper and the terrible flood in NH with many people missing. It was been raining all week and total of 8 days straight of heavy rain. It was coming off the Atlantic Ocean and spreading all over New England.

Today, I went on bus duty to Burlington, VT and the weather was really awful with heavy rain at all times, but Burlington was fine. Recently on T.V. they have declared a mandatory evacuation in Keene (40 mins away from me) for 1,300 people and expecting more. What's wrong with the mother nature for the past 8 days.

The rain is suppose to last until Sunday (total of 10 days) and expecting more rain later this week. Right now, I am dealing with roof leak in the loft (attic) and there is 4 cups in place. Right now, I see another one coming and I have to get another cup after I post this on my blog.