Friday, April 07, 2006

Heading to Tuckerman!

I am heading to the White Mountains in New Hampshire this weekend. I will be climbing up Tuckerman, just about 1,500 ft away from Mt. Washington. It will be cold and lots of snow after a snowstorm this week on the mountain. Yesterday morning, it was 18 degrees on the mountain. Yikes! Off to get some sleep for a long drive tomorrow.


At 4/7/06, 10:31 AM , Blogger oneninefive said...

Looks like a nice trip! Would love to do that too! Good luck, and remember to turn back if the weather is bad. :)

At 4/7/06, 7:48 PM , Blogger proudpetite said...

Did you put up the sign on purpose to worry people that care about you?

Do have a great time and hope to hear good stories about your trip when you return.

Happy climbing!


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